Eurogym is the Youth Festival organized by the European Union of Gymnastics.
Eurogym is a gymnastics event that takes place every two years.
Place of fraternity, exchange and conviviality for teenagers from all over Europe.
Eurogym is an event that takes place every two years. It aims to bring together young European gymnasts. It is not a competition, but a meeting, with sports and fun activities and exchanges on the program.
Many workshops thus allow all participants to discover and test new forms of activity between young people of the same age (rope skipping, gymnastics with machines, step aerobics, hip hop, street dance, but also inline skating or scooting, unicycling, juggling etc. etc.). Open to young people aged 12 to 18, the event brings together every 2 years (even years), for 6 days, around 5,000 young people from all over Europe.
It consists :
From a parade and the opening ceremony. All participants march in official dress during the parade and watch the opening ceremony show.
Workshops: groups take part in discovery workshops that allow them to practice different choreographic, acrobatic or local sports activities.
Public presentations: each group presents a show on covered stages located in the historic heart of the city.
A Gala composed of acts selected by the Gym Pour Tous technical committee.
A closing ceremony: All gymnasts can participate in the show built from the content of the workshops.
It is an extremely enriching experience for the gymnasts and the companions.
And Gym RS Auderghem in all this?
We have decided to participate in this magnificent event... the group will be formed by Sarah and Léa.
On the way to the Swiss mountains!
The non-competitive values conveyed by this event are exceptional and are in line with the values of the club that we defend daily: respect for others, tolerance, openness to the world, fraternity, Fair-Play, solidarity,... .
If you're passing by next summer, don't hesitate to come and encourage our gymnasts on the podiums!
The Gymnaestrada, crossroads of generations, is a global event for all ages organized under the aegis of the International Gymnastics Federation every four years. The name Gymnaestrada was created from the following words: "gymna", which means "gymnastics", and "strada", which means "street". We find these notions of Gymnastics in the streets today: during each of the Gymnaestrada, there were many participants in the alleys of the organizing city.
Open to all, this non-competitive event brings together every 4 years (odd years), for 7 days, more than 20,000 participants from all over the world.
It consists :
From an Opening Ceremony. All participants march in official dress inside a stadium during the parade and watch the opening ceremony show.
Group Productions. These are shows presented indoors by the groups (minimum of 10 participants) 3 times during the week.
Productions in Large Groups. These are shows presented outdoors (in stadiums) by groups (minimum of 200 participants) 3 times during the week. These groups can result from the meeting of several groups.
National Evenings. They take place indoors, on the initiative of national federations, which present on this occasion the range of activities and specificities of gymnastic practices and folklore of their nation. It is a show that lasts 1:30 maximum.
A Gala FIG. It is a show put on by the International Gymnastics Federation on a defined theme, with the help of groups selected a year and a half before the event.
Education Forums. Places of theoretical and practical exchanges aiming to share ideas, information, pedagogies, etc.
A Closing Ceremony built from productions of large groups specially designed for this occasion.
And Gym RS Auderghem in all this?
Some club gymnasts have been participating in this event since 1982, but the club's first participation was in 1987 in Herning, Denmark.
The non-competitive values conveyed by this event are exceptional and are in line with the values of the club that we defend daily: respect for others, tolerance, openness to the world, fraternity, Fair-Play, solidarity,... .
4 coaches will have the pleasure of carrying out this project: Céline, Célia, Elisa and Louise.
We wish you much success in this project, accompanied by your 30 gymnasts.